It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it. -Lena Horne
How are you today? I’m thankful that we got to celebrate Good Friday! This was the day that Jesus died on a cross for the sins of the whole world…”the whole world Craig!” (from Next Friday Movie). Regardless of our personal beliefs, or lack thereof, Jesus died for us all. Even if we refuse it, He still died. Even when we feel we don’t deserve it, He still died.
Not only did Jesus die, but he rose from the grave with ALL power in His hands!
He reigns over the just and the unjust. Salvation is free. All we have to do is believe. We have free will and I pray we desire God’s will for our lives, so that we may live with a peace that surpasses all understanding.
If you have yet to experience anything significant in your life, just keep living. For myself, simply looking back over my life, God’s grace and mercy has covered me through some difficult times. COVID alone affected all of us and we are all living with the residual of COVID and it’s devastating effects on our lives, our loved ones, the economy, and the world.
Life hits us hard in so many different aspects of our lives. For some battles are for a season and some are lifelong. Rather it’s physical, mental, emotional (loss), and/or spiritually, either way I encourage us all to try Jesus in all situations. He has already done the hardest part, which is saving our souls by dying on a cross for our sins. Let us carry our crosses daily and continue to live life on purpose in spite of the seasons we are in.
I pray this post finds you all in good spirits. I continue to pray for my community and all those who have been affected by severe weather. I cannot begin to imagine what losing everything feels like, but I have faith that there has to be better on the other side of what was lost. I trust God to work all things out for good but don’t forget to try Jesus.
For more encouragement read First John (a book in the New Testament section of the Bible).
Be blessed,
Background Image Cred: Lukasz Rawa, Unsplash